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  • Insights into the molecular basis and mechanism of heme-triggered TLR4 signalling: The role of heme-binding motifs in TLR4 and MD2.


    Authors: Marie-T Hopp, Janine Holze, Felicitas Lauber, Laura Holtkamp, Dhruv C Rathod, Maria A Miteva, Elisa B Prestes, Matthias Geyer, Bénédicte Manoury, Nicolas S Merle, Lubka T Roumenina, Marcelo T Bozza, Günther Weindl, Diana Imhof

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  • β1 integrin signaling governs necroptosis via the chromatin-remodeling factor CHD4.

    Cell reports

    Authors: Zhiqi Sun, Filippo M Cernilogar, Helena Horvatic, Assa Yeroslaviz, Zeinab Abdullah, Gunnar Schotta, Veit Hornung

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  • Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis-how common and how severe is it as a complication of malaria? Retrospective case series and review of the literature.


    Authors: Hans Martin Orth, Dorothea Wiemer, Sophie Schneitler, Andreas Schönfeld, Martha Charlotte Holtfreter, Smaranda Gliga, Andre Fuchs, Frieder Pfäfflin, Claudia Maria Denkinger, Sven Kalbitz, Carlos Fritzsche, Marc P Hübner, Janina Trauth, Björn-Erik Ole Jensen, Tom Luedde, Torsten Feldt

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  • The telomerase inhibitor imetelstat differentially targets JAK2V617F versus CALR mutant myeloproliferative neoplasm cells and inhibits JAK-STAT signaling.

    Frontiers in oncology

    Authors: Kathrin Olschok, Bianca Altenburg, Marcelo A S de Toledo, Angela Maurer, Anne Abels, Fabian Beier, Deniz Gezer, Susanne Isfort, Katrin Paeschke, Tim H Brümmendorf, Martin Zenke, Nicolas Chatain, Steffen Koschmieder

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  • Interim analyses of the multinational real-world prospective cohort HEM-POWR study evaluating the effectiveness and safety of damoctocog alfa pegol in patients with hemophilia A.

    European journal of haematology

    Authors: Mark T Reding, María Teresa Álvarez-Román, Giancarlo Castaman, Maissaa Janbain, Tadashi Matsushita, Karina Meijer, Kathrin Schmidt, Johannes Oldenburg

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  • Prognostic factors for the long term outcome after surgical celiac artery decompression in MALS.

    Orphanet journal of rare diseases

    Authors: Anna Woestemeier, Alexander Semaan, Andreas Block, Jan Arensmeyer, Jonas Dohmen, Alexander Kania, Frauke Verrel, Martin Mücke, Jörg C Kalff, Philipp Lingohr

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  • Publication categories: Top publication

    UV-induced G4 DNA structures recruit ZRF1 which prevents UV-induced senescence.

    Nature communications

    Authors: Alessio De Magis, Michaela Limmer, Venkat Mudiyam, David Monchaud, Stefan Juranek, Katrin Paeschke

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  • Cardiac autonomic dysfunction in adult congenital heart disease.

    BMC cardiovascular disorders

    Authors: Carmen Pizarro, Franziska Luise Bosse, Charlotte Begrich, Barbora Reznakova, Thomas Beiert, Jan Wilko Schrickel, Georg Nickenig, Dirk Skowasch, Diana Momcilovic

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  • Development of a clinical algorithm to predict phenotypic switches between atopic dermatitis and psoriasis (the "Flip-Flop" phenomenon).


    Authors: Svenja Müller, Thomas Welchowski, Matthias Schmid, Laura Maintz, Nadine Herrmann, Dagmar Wilsmann-Theis, Thorben Royeck, Regina Havenith, Thomas Bieber

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  • Cellular senescence promotes progenitor cell expansion during axolotl limb regeneration.

    Developmental cell

    Authors: Qinghao Yu, Hannah E Walters, Giovanni Pasquini, Sumeet Pal Singh, Martina Lachnit, Catarina R Oliveira, Daniel León-Periñán, Andreas Petzold, Preethi Kesavan, Cristina Subiran Adrados, Ines Garteizgogeascoa, Dunja Knapp, Anne Wagner, Andrea Bernardos, María Alfonso, Gayathri Nadar, Alwin M Graf, Konstantin E Troyanovskiy, Andreas Dahl, Volker Busskamp, Ramón Martínez-Máñez, Maximina H Yun

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