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  • Phosphorylation-state dependent intraneuronal sorting of Aβ differentially impairs autophagy and the endo-lysosomal system.


    Authors: Akshay Kapadia, Sandra Theil, Sabine Opitz, Nàdia Villacampa, Hannes Beckert, Susanne Schoch-McGovern, Michael T Heneka, Sathish Kumar, Jochen Walter

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  • Engineered arylsulfatase A with increased activity, stability and brain delivery for therapy of metachromatic leukodystrophy.

    Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy

    Authors: Claudia Yaghootfam, Marc Sylvester, Boris Turk, Volkmar Gieselmann, Ulrich Matzner

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  • Altered Notch signalling in Dowling-Degos disease: A transcriptomic insight into disease pathogenesis.

    The British journal of dermatology

    Authors: Sheetal Kumar, Jonas Hausen, Sugirthan Sivalingam, Aytaj Humbatova, Andreas Buness, Jorge Frank, Damian J Ralser, Regina C Betz

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  • TRI-SCORE and benefit of intervention in patients with severe tricuspid regurgitation.

    European heart journal

    Authors: Julien Dreyfus, Xavier Galloo, Maurizio Taramasso, Gregor Heitzinger, Giovanni Benfari, Karl-Patrick Kresoja, Fernando Juarez-Casso, Hazem Omran, Yohann Bohbot, Christos Iliadis, Giulio Russo, Yan Topilsky, Marcel Weber, Luis Nombela-Franco, Alessandra Sala, Andrea Eixerés-Esteve, Bernard Iung, Jean-François Obadia, Rodrigo Estevez Loureiro, Elisabeth Riant, Erwan Donal, Jörg Hausleiter, Luigi Badano, Thierry Le Tourneau, Augustin Coisne, Thomas Modine, Azeem Latib, Fabien Praz, Stephan Windecker, Jose Luis Zamorano, Ralph Stephan von Bardeleben, Gilbert H L Tang, Rebecca Hahn, John Webb, Denisa Muraru, Mohammed Nejjari, Vincent Chan, Michele De Bonis, Manuel Carnero-Alcazar, Georg Nickenig, Roman Pfister, Christophe Tribouilloy, Volker Rudolph, Juan Crestanello, Philipp Lurz, Philipp Bartko, Francesco Maisano, Jeroen Bax, Maurice Enriquez-Sarano, David Messika-Zeitoun

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  • Impact of the use of GeneXpert on TB diagnosis and anti-TB treatment outcome at health facilities in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in the post-millennium development years.

    PloS one

    Authors: Desalegn Addise Getahun, Laura E Layland, Achim Hoerauf, Biniam Wondale

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  • Unexpected bonds: Ubiquitin-like conjugation of cGAS/CD-NTases supports their enzymatic activity and antiphage defense.

    Signal transduction and targeted therapy

    Authors: Katarzyna Andryka-Cegielski, Sofía Soler, Eva Bartok

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  • Prevalence and determinants of over- and undertreatment among users of antihypertensive drugs in the general population: The Rhineland Study.

    European journal of preventive cardiology

    Authors: Nersi Alaeddin, Gökhan Pehlivan, Julia C Stingl, Monique M B Breteler, Folgerdiena M de Vries

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  • Web-grading-a tool to test personal grading of renal and prostate cancer.

    APMIS : acta pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica Scandinavica

    Authors: Glen Kristiansen, Matthias Schmid, Lars Egevad, Hemamali Samaratunga, Murali Varma, Kaan Inam, Hans-Jürgen Thiesen, Brett Delahunt, Yulin Dai

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  • Possible role of locus coeruleus neuronal loss in age-related memory and attention deficits.

    Frontiers in neuroscience

    Authors: Alessandra Gargano, Bolanle Fatimat Olabiyi, Michela Palmisano, Andreas Zimmer, Andras Bilkei-Gorzo

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  • Targeting nucleic acid sensors in tumor cells to reprogram biogenesis and RNA cargo of extracellular vesicles for T cell-mediated cancer immunotherapy.

    Cell reports. Medicine

    Authors: Simon Heidegger, Florian Stritzke, Sarah Dahl, Juliane Daßler-Plenker, Laura Joachim, Dominik Buschmann, Kaiji Fan, Carolin M Sauer, Nils Ludwig, Christof Winter, Stefan Enssle, Suqi Li, Markus Perl, André Görgens, Tobias Haas, Erik Thiele Orberg, Sascha Göttert, Catherine Wölfel, Thomas Engleitner, Isidro Cortés-Ciriano, Roland Rad, Wolfgang Herr, Bernd Giebel, Jürgen Ruland, Florian Bassermann, Christoph Coch, Gunther Hartmann, Hendrik Poeck

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