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  • Efficacy of therapeutic intervention with NanoBEO to manage agitation and pain in patients suffering from severe dementia: a pilot clinical trial.

    Frontiers in pharmacology

    Authors: Damiana Scuteri, Martina Pagliaro, Isabel Mantia, Marianna Contrada, Loris Pignolo, Paolo Tonin, Pierluigi Nicotera, Giacinto Bagetta, Maria Tiziana Corasaniti

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  • Genexpressionsprofile beim Porokarzinom deuten auf heterogene Tumorentwicklung hin und untermauern Porome als Vorläuferläsionen

    Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft = Journal of the German Society of Dermatology : JDDG

    Authors: Svenja Holst, Anna K Weber, Friedegund Meier, Jörg Otte, Patrick Petzsch, Julia Reifenberger, Thorsten Wachtmeister, Dana Westphal, Mirjana Ziemer, Wasco Wruck, James Adjaye, Regina C Betz, Arno Rütten, Harald M Surowy, Silke Redler

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  • The role of immune modulators in age-related macular degeneration.

    Survey of ophthalmology

    Authors: Lukas Schloesser, Sara M Klose, Matthias M Mauschitz, Zeinab Abdullah, Robert P Finger

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  • Intravenous iron supplementation in pulmonary hypertension groups 1 to 4.

    International journal of medical sciences

    Authors: Leonie Biener, Josna Kohli, Vanessa Marggraf, Georg Nickenig, Dirk Skowasch, Carmen Pizarro

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  • Impact of gender in patients with device-related thrombosis after left atrial appendage closure - A sub-analysis from the multicenter EUROC-DRT-registry.

    Echocardiography (Mount Kisco, N.Y.)

    Authors: Jacqueline Saw, Vivian Vij, Roberto Galea, Kerstin Piayda, Dominik Nelles, Lara Vogt, Steffen Gloekler, Monika Fürholz, Bernhard Meier, Lorenz Räber, Gilles O'Hara, Dabit Arzamendi, Victor Agudelo, Lluis Asmarats, Xavier Freixa, Eduardo Flores-Umanzor, Ole De Backer, Lars Sondergaard, Luis Nombela-Franco, Pablo Salinas, Kasper Korsholm, Jens Erik Nielsen-Kudsk, Tobias Zeus, Felix Operhalski, Boris Schmidt, Gilles Montalescot, Paul Guedeney, Xavier Iriart, Noelie Miton, Thomas Gilhofer, Laurent Fauchier, Egzon Veliqi, Felix Meincke, Nils Petri, Peter Nordbeck, Rocio Gonzalez-Ferreiro, Ignacio Cruz-González, Deepak L Bhatt, Alessandra Laricchia, Antonio Mangieri, Heyder Omran, Jan Wilko Schrickel, Thomas Beiert, Josep Rodes-Cabau, Georg Nickenig, Horst Sievert, Alexander Sedaghat, Shazia Afzal

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  • Polymersomes with splenic avidity target red pulp myeloid cells for cancer immunotherapy.

    Nature nanotechnology

    Authors: Annelies C Wauters, Jari F Scheerstra, Mandy M T van Leent, Abraham J P Teunissen, Bram Priem, Thijs J Beldman, Nils Rother, Raphaël Duivenvoorden, Geoffrey Prévot, Jazz Munitz, Yohana C Toner, Jeroen Deckers, Yuri van Elsas, Patricia Mora-Raimundo, Gal Chen, Sheqouia A Nauta, Anna Vera D Verschuur, Arjan W Griffioen, David P Schrijver, Tom Anbergen, Yudong Li, Hanglong Wu, Alexander F Mason, Marleen H M E van Stevendaal, Ewelina Kluza, Richard A J Post, Leo A B Joosten, Mihai G Netea, Claudia Calcagno, Zahi A Fayad, Roy van der Meel, Avi Schroeder, Loai K E A Abdelmohsen, Willem J M Mulder, Jan C M van Hest

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  • Sophisticated natural products as antibiotics.


    Authors: Kim Lewis, Richard E Lee, Heike Brötz-Oesterhelt, Sebastian Hiller, Marina V Rodnina, Tanja Schneider, Markus Weingarth, Ingo Wohlgemuth

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  • Assessing blood-brain barrier dysfunction and its association with Alzheimer's pathology, cognitive impairment and neuroinflammation.

    Alzheimer's research & therapy

    Authors: Lukas Preis, Kersten Villringer, Frederic Brosseron, Emrah Düzel, Frank Jessen, Gabor C Petzold, Alfredo Ramirez, Annika Spottke, Jochen B Fiebach, Oliver Peters

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  • Membranous expression of target protein is required for ADC response in urothelial cancer.

    European urology

    Authors: Niklas Klümper, Johannes Brägelmann, Veronika Bahlinger, Arndt Hartmann, Viktor Grünwald, Christoph Kuppe, Michael Hölzel, Markus Eckstein

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  • In-depth analysis of the medical supply for indigenous people in North-Eastern Colombia: a dominance of infectious diseases and only insufficient therapeutic options.

    Archives of public health = Archives belges de sante publique

    Authors: Hannah Bauer, Hagen Frickmann, Gustavo Concha, Lothar Kreienbrock, Maria Hartmann, Philipp Warnke, Ralf Matthias Hagen, Ernst Molitor, Achim Hoerauf, Simone Kann

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