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  • Risk assessment, surveillance, and nonpharmaceutical prevention of acute radiation dermatitis: results of a multicentric survey among the German-speaking radiation oncology community.

    Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Organ der Deutschen Rontgengesellschaft ... [et al]

    Authors: Katharina Layer, Julian P Layer, Andrea R Glasmacher, Gustavo R Sarria, Alexander M C Böhner, Yonah L Layer, Cas S Dejonckheere, Stephan Garbe, Petra Feyer, Brigitta G Baumert, Anke Schendera, René Baumann, David Krug, Mümtaz A Köksal, David Koch, Davide Scafa, Christina Leitzen, Michael Hölzel, Frank A Giordano, Leonard Christopher Schmeel

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  • Differential prognostic utility of adiposity measures in chronic kidney disease.

    Journal of renal nutrition : the official journal of the Council on Renal Nutrition of the National Kidney Foundation

    Authors: Vladimir Cejka, Stefan Störk, Jennifer Nadal, Matthias Schmid, Claudia Sommerer, Thomas Sitter, Heike Meiselbach, Martin Busch, Markus P Schneider, Turgay Saritas, Ulla T Schultheiss, Fruzsina Kotsis, Christoph Wanner, Kai-Uwe Eckardt, Vera Krane

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  • Randomized clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccines: Do adenovirus-vector vaccines have beneficial non-specific effects?


    Authors: Christine S Benn, Frederik Schaltz-Buchholzer, Sebastian Nielsen, Mihai G Netea, Peter Aaby

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  • [Test Your Knowledge].

    Pneumologie (Stuttgart, Germany)

    Authors: Carmen Pizarro, Carsten Meyer, Georg Nickenig, Dirk Skowasch

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  • Prevalence and Incidence of Registered Severe Visual Impairment and Blindness Due to Uveitis in Germany.

    Ocular immunology and inflammation

    Authors: Jeany Q Li, Thomas Welchowski, Matthias Schmid, Robert P Finger

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  • Analysis of candidate genes for cleft lip ± cleft palate using murine single-cell expression data.

    Frontiers in cell and developmental biology

    Authors: Anna Siewert, Benedikt Reiz, Carina Krug, Julia Heggemann, Elisabeth Mangold, Henning Dickten, Kerstin U Ludwig

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  • Value of Diagnostic Tools in the Diagnosis of Osteomyelitis: Pilot Study to Establish an Osteomyelitis Score.

    Journal of clinical medicine

    Authors: Roslind K Hackenberg, Fabio Schmitt-Sánchez, Christoph Endler, Verena Tischler, Jayagopi Surendar, Kristian Welle, Koroush Kabir, Frank A Schildberg

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  • Kidney medullary sodium chloride concentrations induce neutrophil and monocyte extracellular DNA traps that defend against pyelonephritis in vivo.

    Kidney international

    Authors: Adrian Goldspink, Jessica Schmitz, Olena Babyak, Nicolas Brauns, Julia Milleck, Anne M Breloh, Susanne V Fleig, Katarzyna Jobin, Lisa Schwarz, Hermann Haller, Florian Wagenlehner, Jan Hinrich Bräsen, Christian Kurts, Sibylle von Vietinghoff

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  • Oncogenic mutations impede nuclear RNA surveillance.

    Science (New York, N.Y.)

    Authors: Megan L Insco, Brian J Abraham, Sara J Dubbury, Ines H Kaltheuner, Sofia Dust, Constance Wu, Kevin Y Chen, David Liu, Stanislav Bellaousov, Anna M Cox, Benjamin J E Martin, Tongwu Zhang, Calvin G Ludwig, Tania Fabo, Rodsy Modhurima, Dakarai E Esgdaille, Telmo Henriques, Kevin M Brown, Stephen J Chanock, Matthias Geyer, Karen Adelman, Phillip A Sharp, Richard A Young, Paul L Boutz, Leonard I Zon

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  • Aging microglia.

    Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS

    Authors: Ignazio Antignano, Yingxiao Liu, Nina Offermann, Melania Capasso

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