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  • Towards the sustainable discovery and development of new antibiotics.

    Nature reviews. Chemistry

    Authors: Marcus Miethke, Marco Pieroni, Tilmann Weber, Mark Brönstrup, Peter Hammann, Ludovic Halby, Paola B Arimondo, Philippe Glaser, Bertrand Aigle, Helge B Bode, Rui Moreira, Yanyan Li, Andriy Luzhetskyy, Marnix H Medema, Jean-Luc Pernodet, Marc Stadler, José Rubén Tormo, Olga Genilloud, Andrew W Truman, Kira J Weissman, Eriko Takano, Stefano Sabatini, Evi Stegmann, Heike Brötz-Oesterhelt, Wolfgang Wohlleben, Myriam Seemann, Martin Empting, Anna K H Hirsch, Brigitta Loretz, Claus-Michael Lehr, Alexander Titz, Jennifer Herrmann, Timo Jaeger, Silke Alt, Thomas Hesterkamp, Mathias Winterhalter, Andrea Schiefer, Kenneth Pfarr, Achim Hoerauf, Heather Graz, Michael Graz, Mika Lindvall, Savithri Ramurthy, Anders Karlén, Maarten van Dongen, Hrvoje Petkovic, Andreas Keller, Frédéric Peyrane, Stefano Donadio, Laurent Fraisse, Laura J V Piddock, Ian H Gilbert, Heinz E Moser, Rolf Müller

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  • Distinct Immune Profiles of Exhausted Effector and Memory CD8 T Cells in Individuals With Filarial Lymphedema.

    Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology

    Authors: Sacha Horn, Dennis Borrero-Wolff, Manuel Ritter, Kathrin Arndts, Anna Wiszniewsky, Linda Batsa Debrah, Alexander Y Debrah, Jubin Osei-Mensah, Mkunde Chachage, Achim Hoerauf, Inge Kroidl, Laura E Layland

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  • Urine metabolites for the identification of Onchocerca volvulus infections in patients from Cameroon.

    Parasites & vectors

    Authors: Vera Wewer, Helga Peisker, Katharina Gutbrod, Mazen Al-Bahra, Dirk Menche, Ngongeh Glory Amambo, Fanny F Fombad, Abdel Jelil Njouendou, Kenneth Pfarr, Samuel Wanji, Achim Hoerauf, Peter Dörmann

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  • Evaluation of the in vitro susceptibility of various filarial nematodes to emodepside.

    International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance

    Authors: Marc P Hübner, Simon Townson, Suzanne Gokool, Senyo Tagboto, Mary J Maclean, Guilherme G Verocai, Adrian J Wolstenholme, Stefan J Frohberger, Achim Hoerauf, Sabine Specht, Ivan Scandale, Achim Harder, Martin Glenschek-Sieberth, Steffen R Hahnel, Daniel Kulke

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  • Global Distribution Patterns of Carbapenemase-Encoding Bacteria in a New Light: Clues on a Role for Ethnicity.

    Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology

    Authors: Claudio Neidhöfer, Christian Buechler, Guido Neidhöfer, Gabriele Bierbaum, Irene Hannet, Achim Hoerauf, Marijo Parčina

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  • Podoconiosis - From known to unknown: Obstacles to tackle.

    Acta tropica

    Authors: Samuel Wanji, Kebede Deribe, Jessica Minich, Alexander Y Debrah, Akili Kalinga, Inge Kroidl, Ambre Luguet, Achim Hoerauf, Manuel Ritter

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  • Rapid diagnostic test negative Plasmodium falciparum malaria in a traveller returning from Ethiopia.

    Malaria journal

    Authors: Stefan Schlabe, Ingrid Reiter-Owona, Tamara Nordmann, Ramona Dolscheid-Pommerich, Egbert Tannich, Achim Hoerauf, Jürgen Rockstroh

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  • Flow cytometric analysis of cell lineage and immune activation markers using minimal amounts of human whole blood-Field method for remote settings.

    Journal of immunological methods

    Authors: Sacha Horn, Mohamed I M Ahmed, Christof Geldmacher, Thomas F Marandu, Jubin Osei-Mensah, Alex Debrah, Laura E Layland, Achim Hoerauf, Inge Kroidl

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  • Establishment of an in vitro culture system to study the developmental biology of Onchocerca volvulus with implications for anti-Onchocerca drug discovery and screening.

    PLoS neglected tropical diseases

    Authors: Narcisse V T Gandjui, Abdel J Njouendou, Eric N Gemeg, Fanny F Fombad, Manuel Ritter, Chi A Kien, Valerine C Chunda, Jerome Fru, Mathias E Esum, Marc P Hübner, Peter A Enyong, Achim Hoerauf, Samuel Wanji

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  • Human filariasis-contributions of the Litomosoides sigmodontis and Acanthocheilonema viteae animal model.

    Parasitology research

    Authors: Frederic Risch, Manuel Ritter, Achim Hoerauf, Marc P Hübner

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