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[Postoperative dumping-syndrome with relevant impairment of glucose homeostasis - relief by continuous glucose monitoring and individual therapy with GLP-1 receptor agonists].

Zeitschrift fur Gastroenterologie

Authors: Jule Leuz, Laura Brecht, Jacob Nattermann, Tim Glowka, Clemens Ballmann, Marcus Dahlem, Volker Schmitz

Dumping syndromes are a common side effect after partial or total gastric resection. The symptoms may be diverse, with vasomotoric reactions, collapse tendencies and digestive disorders (early dumping) as well as blood sugar derailment as a result of too fast absorption of glucose (late dumping).Entrenched therapy concepts, including personalized nutritional concepts and the use of medication as octreotide or diazoxide, will not always lead to the desired results. It is then, that individual therapy concepts have to be found to restore the patient's quality of life, as shown in this case study.

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PMID: 34130331

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