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Revealing Genetic Dynamics: scRNA-seq Unravels Modifications in Human PDL Cells across In Vivo and In Vitro Environments.

International journal of molecular sciences

Authors: Ali T Abdallah, Michael Peitz, Anna Konermann

The periodontal ligament (PDL) is a highly specialized fibrous tissue comprising heterogeneous cell populations of an intricate nature. These complexities, along with challenges due to cell culture, impede a comprehensive understanding of periodontal pathophysiology. This study aims to address this gap, employing single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) technology to analyze the genetic intricacies of PDL both in vivo and in vitro. Primary human PDL samples ( = 7) were split for direct in vivo analysis and cell culture under serum-containing and serum-free conditions. Cell hashing and sorting, scRNA-seq library preparation using the 10x Genomics protocol, and Illumina sequencing were conducted. Primary analysis was performed using Cellranger, with downstream analysis via the R packages Seurat and SCORPIUS. Seven distinct PDL cell clusters were identified comprising different cellular subsets, each characterized by unique genetic profiles, with some showing donor-specific patterns in representation and distribution. Formation of these cellular clusters was influenced by culture conditions, particularly serum presence. Furthermore, certain cell populations were found to be inherent to the PDL tissue, while others exhibited variability across donors. This study elucidates specific genes and cell clusters within the PDL, revealing both inherent and context-driven subpopulations. The impact of culture conditions-notably the presence of serum-on cell cluster formation highlights the critical need for refining culture protocols, as comprehending these influences can drive the creation of superior culture systems vital for advancing research in PDL biology and regenerative therapies. These discoveries not only deepen our comprehension of PDL biology but also open avenues for future investigations into uncovering underlying mechanisms.

PMID: 38731950

Participating cluster members