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Studying Conformational Changes of the Yersinia Type-III-Secretion Effector YopO in Solution by Integrative Structural Biology.

Structure (London, England : 1993)

Authors: Martin F Peter, Anne T Tuukkanen, Caspar A Heubach, Alexander Selsam, Fraser G Duthie, Dmitri I Svergun, Olav Schiemann, Gregor Hagelueken

The type-III secretion effector YopO helps pathogenic Yersinia to outmaneuver the human immune system. Injected into host cells, it functions as a Ser/Thr kinase after activation by actin binding. This activation process is thought to involve large conformational changes. We use PELDOR spectroscopy and small-angle X-ray scattering in combination with available crystal structures to study these conformational transitions. Low-resolution hybrid models of the YopO/actin structure in solution were constructed, where the kinase domain of YopO is tilted "backward" compared with the crystal structure, thus shortening the distance between actin and the kinase active site, potentially affecting the substrate specificity of YopO. Furthermore, the GDI domain of the hybrid models resembles a conformation that was previously observed in a crystal structure of the isolated GDI domain. We investigate possible structural reasons for the inactivity of the apo state, analyze its flexibility and discuss the biological implications.

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PMID: 31303480

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