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Tagger-A Swiss army knife for multiomics to dissect cell type-specific mechanisms of gene expression in mice.

PLoS biology

Authors: Lech Kaczmarczyk, Vikas Bansal, Ashish Rajput, Raza-Ur Rahman, Wiesław Krzyżak, Joachim Degen, Stefanie Poll, Martin Fuhrmann, Stefan Bonn, Walker Scot Jackson

A deep understanding of how regulation of the multiple levels of gene expression in mammalian tissues give rise to complex phenotypes has been impeded by cellular diversity. A handful of techniques were developed to tag-select nucleic acids of interest in specific cell types, thereby enabling their capture. We expanded this strategy by developing the Tagger knock-in mouse line bearing a quad-cistronic transgene combining enrichment tools for nuclei, nascent RNA, translating mRNA, and mature microRNA (miRNA). We demonstrate that Tagger can capture the desired nucleic acids, enabling multiple omics approaches to be applied to specific cell types in vivo using a single transgenic mouse line.

PMID: 31393866

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