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The Architecture of Circulating Immune Cells Is Dysregulated in People Living With HIV on Long Term Antiretroviral Treatment and Relates With Markers of the HIV-1 Reservoir, Cytomegalovirus, and Microbial Translocation.

Frontiers in immunology

Authors: Lisa Van de Wijer, Wouter A van der Heijden, Rob Ter Horst, Martin Jaeger, Wim Trypsteen, Sofie Rutsaert, Bram van Cranenbroek, Esther van Rijssen, Irma Joosten, Leo Joosten, Linos Vandekerckhove, Till Schoofs, Jan van Lunzen, Mihai G Netea, Hans J P M Koenen, André J A M van der Ven, Quirijn de Mast

Long-term changes in the immune system of successfully treated people living with HIV (PLHIV) remain incompletely understood. In this study, we assessed 108 white blood cell (WBC) populations in a cohort of 211 PLHIV on stable antiretroviral therapy and in 56 HIV-uninfected controls using flow cytometry. We show that marked differences exist in T cell maturation and differentiation between PLHIV and HIV-uninfected controls: PLHIV had reduced percentages of CD4+ T cells and naïve T cells and increased percentages of CD8+ T cells, effector T cells, and T helper 17 (Th17) cells, together with increased Th17/regulatory T cell (Treg) ratios. PLHIV also exhibited altered B cell maturation with reduced percentages of memory B cells and increased numbers of plasmablasts. Determinants of the T and B cell composition in PLHIV included host factors (age, sex, and smoking), markers of the HIV reservoir, and CMV serostatus. Moreover, higher circulating Th17 percentages were associated with higher plasma concentrations of interleukin (IL) 6, soluble CD14, the gut homing chemokine CCL20, and intestinal fatty acid binding protein (IFABP). The changes in circulating lymphocytes translated into functional changes with reduced interferon (IFN)- γ responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to stimulation with and  In conclusion, this comprehensive analysis confirms the importance of persistent abnormalities in the number and function of circulating immune cells in PLHIV on stable treatment.

Copyright © 2021 Van de Wijer, van der Heijden, Horst, Jaeger, Trypsteen, Rutsaert, van Cranenbroek, van Rijssen, Joosten, Joosten, Vandekerckhove, Schoofs, van Lunzen, Netea, Koenen, van der Ven and de Mast.

PMID: 33953724

Participating cluster members