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The histone code in dementia: Transcriptional and chromatin plasticity fades away.

Current opinion in pharmacology

Authors: Daniele Bano, Paolo Salomoni, Dan Ehninger, Pierluigi Nicotera

With the aging of the population, Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia represent major challenges for health care systems globally. To date, the molecular mechanisms underlying the pathophysiology of dementia remain elusive, with a consequent negative impact in developing efficient disease modifiers. New exciting findings suggest that modulation of the histone code may influence transcriptional networks at the root of neuronal plasticity and cognitive performance. Although most of the current conclusions require further mechanistic evidence, it appears that chromatin perturbations actually correlate with Alzheimer's disease onset and progression. Thus, a better understanding of the epigenetic contribution to normal brain function and dementia pathogenesis may help to identify new epigenetic targets for the inhibition of disease trajectories associated with cognitive decline.

Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

PMID: 34411982

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